تلخيص ومراجعة النظام البيئي علوم منهج انجليزي صف خامس
تلخيص ومراجعة النظام البيئي علوم منهج انجليزي صف خامس يساعد الطالب على إلمام كافة المعلومات الواردة في الدرس، وذلك من خلال تقديم الشرح المختصر والتعريفات المهمة في الدرس، الإضافة إلى المقارنات، في النهاية يأتي دور الأسئلة التي تلعب دورًا مهمًا في تثبيت كل المعلومات في أذهان الطلاب، ويُطرح التلخيص من خلال موقع دروسنا.
تلخيص ومراجعة النظام البيئي علوم منهج انجليزي صف خامس
يتعرف الطالب على العديد من المعلومات في درس النظام البيئي، فمن خلاله يكتشف ما هي الكائنات المنتجة والكائنات المستهلكة، ويحتاج إلى مذاكرة الدرس جيدًا.
أحيانًا قد يتشتت من كثرة المعلومات في الكتاب المدرسي؛ ولا يتمكن من التمييز بينهم، فيأتي تلخيص ومراجعة النظام البيئي علوم منهج انجليزي صف خامس لتوضيح المفاهيم الأساسية في الدرس.
يتم تقسيم ملخص ومراجعة النظام البيئي إلى مجموعة من المفاهيم والمصطلحات في البداية؛ حتى يسهل على الطالب إلمامها، ومن ثم تُقدم مجموعة من المقارنات كالمقارنة بين المنتجين المستهلكين من حيث التعريف والأمثلة.
يوجد أيضًا مقارنة بين آكلة الأعشاب وآكلة اللحوم وحيوانات آكلة اللحوم والنباتات والمحللات، فكل تلك المقارنات تساعد على التخلص من التشتت بين المعلومات، وفي النهاية تُقدم مجموعة من التدريبات والاسئلة؛ لبيان مدى استيعاب الطالب للمعلومات السابقة، وقدرته على استخلاص المعلومات من داخل عقله للإجابة على الأسئلة
اقرأ أيضًا: تلخيص درس المخاليط والتغيرات الفيزيائية والكيميائية علوم الصف الخامس الفصل الثاني
إجابات أسئلة تلخيص ومراجعة النظام البيئي
بعد اطلاع الطالب على التعريفات والمقارنات الموجودة في تلخيص ومراجعة النظام البيئي علوم منهج انجليزي صف خامس ومذاكرتهم جيدًا، ويجب حل الأسئلة وعقب الحل يجب التأكد من إجابات الطالب من خلال نموذج الإجابة التالي:
1- Choose the answer
In a food chain, ———————- is passed on from one organism to another
- Waste
- Sunlight
- Energy
- Gas
What is a consumer
- An animal that does not make its own food
- an animal that eats other animals
- a living organism that uses sunlight to make its own food
- an animal that has no known predators
Producers are ——————- because they get energy from the sun, make their own food, and make food for some animals.
- not an important part of the food chain
- animals such as deer and zebras
- the first part of the food chain
- break nutrients down into the soil
What is a food chain
- model the feeding relationships between organisms in an ecosystem
- An animal that eats other animals
- A living organism that is able to use sunlight to make its own food
- An animal that has no known predators
Producers are —————— because they get energy from the sun, make their own
- food, and make food for some animals.
- not an important part of the food chain
- animals such as deer and zebras
- the first part of the food chain
- break nutrients down into the soil
What is a producer
- An animal that eats other animals
- A living organism that uses sunlight to make its own food
- An animal that only eats plants
- An animal that has no known predators
A carnivore is an animal that only eats meat.
- True
- False
food chain is a series of relationships between members of an ecosystem so that ——————- can be transferred between them.
- food
- sunlight
- energy
- water
An example of a food chain in a pond environment would be: algae: water bug: fish: otter. In this example the __________ is at the bottom of the food chain.
- algae
- water bug
- fish
- otter
Which food chain correctly describes the flow of energy in an ecosystem
- Grass – cow – human
- Caterpillar – leaf – human
- Cow – grass – human
- Leaf – bird – caterpillar
Rabbits eat grass and other plants to survive, but they do not eat animals. What kind of animal are rabbits
- Decomposers
- Carnivores
- Producers
- Herbivores
How do decomposers help other organisms in an ecosystem
- They break down dead organisms and add nutrients back to the soil that plants use.
- They use the sunlight to make their own food that other organisms eat for energy.
- They help disperse seeds for plant growth.
- Decomposers do not help other organisms in an ecosystem
In what order do a falcon, grass, and rabbit form a food chain in a meadow
- Falcon ——> grass ——> rabbit
- Grass ——> falcon ——-> rabbit
- Rabbit —–> grass ——-> falcon
- Grass ——> rabbit ——-> falcon
A predator is an animal that hunts for food
- True
- False
An animal that eats other animals is known as ac
- herbivore
- food chain
- carnivore
- omnivore
Which of the following lists only consumers
- Hawks, lizards, chipmunks
- Acorns, squirrels, rabbits
- Grass, chipmunks, eagles
- Mice, squirrels, grass
What is the difference between a food chain and a food web
- A food chain is larger than a food web
- A food chain is the combination of all the food webs in an ecosystem
- A food web is smaller than a food chain
- A food web is the combination of all the food chains in an ecosystem
What is the name of an animal that only eats meat
- carnivore
- human
- omnivore
- herbivore
——————— break down dead plants and animals.
- decomposers
- producers
- consumers
- prey
The living and non-living things that interact in an environment is called a
- food chain
- consumer
- ecosystem
- food web
An organism that makes its own food is a —————–
- Producer
- Decomposer
- food web
- food chain
- consumer
A ———– shows how energy passes from one organism to another in an ecosystem.
- Omnivore
- food web
- herbivore
- food chain
An organism that eats other organisms is called a —————–
- Producer
- food chain
- ecosystem
- Consumer
A ———————– shows how food chains are linked together.
- consumer
- food web
- producer
- food chain
An animal that eats plants is called a —————-
- herbivore
- carnivore
- food web
- omnivore
An animal that eats both plants and animals is called a
- herbivore
- omnivore
- carnivore
- food chain
Producers use energy from the sun.
- True
- False
The organisms hunted by predators are called
- predators
- consumers
- producers
- prey
All members of a single species in an area at a given time is-
- ecosystem
- population
- community
- food chain
Food chains begin with ——————- that make their own food.
- decomposers
- producers
- consumers
- energy
Nutrients from dead organisms are recycled by
- decomposers
- consumers
- producers
- scavengers
an example of omnivores is
- mice
- squirrels
- Bobcats
- hawks
vultures, raccoons, jackals, crows are example of
- producers
- scavengers
- decomposers
- consumers
the top of the energy pyramid represents the
- Producer
- Consumer
- carnivores
- Decomposer
all of the following are omnivores except
- raccoons
- mice
- some crabs
- bacteria
The diagram shows
- food chain
- energy pyramid
- ecosystem
- food web
What is an animal that is eaten by a predator
- Producer
- Prey
- Consumer
- Decomposer
———————– is a living thing that can make its own food.
- Producer
- Consumer
- Predator
- Decomposer
All food chains start with
- the plant
- the sun
- the predator
- the prey
Lions, tigers and other big cats are
- Prey
- Producers
- Herbivores
Organisms that eat other organisms, they can be herbivores, carnivores, or omnivores are called
- predator
- prey
- consumer
- producer
The bottom of the energy pyramid represents the
- Producer
- Consumer
- carnivores
- Decomposer
Community is
- all living (biotic) and non-living (abiotic) things in an environment
- all members of a single species in an area at a given time
- made from many different populations including all the living things in an ecosystem
2- Fill in the blank with the right word
(abiotic – population – ecosystem – biotic – Community)
- biotic are living things like plant and animals
- abiotic are non-living things like soil, sunlight, air, and water
- all living (biotic) and non-living (abiotic) things in an environment are ecosystem
- All members of a single species in an area at a given time is a population
- Community is made from many different populations including all the living things in an ecosystem
اقرأ أيضًا: حلول الدرسين الاول والثاني وحدة التكاثر علوم الخامس
3- Choose the correct answers.
- Omnivores: are animals that eat both plants and other animals.
- Carnivores: animals that eat other animals.
- Herbivores: animals that eat producers (plants).
- Decomposers: organisms that obtain energy by consuming wastes and dead organisms.
- Scavengers: a consumer that eats the remains of dead animals that it didn’t hunt or kill.
4- Classify the following organisms
(raccoons – mice – Fungi – Bacteria – Squirrels – vultures – raccoons – jackals – Bobcats – hawks – termites – crows)
herbivores | Carnivores | Omnivores | decomposers | scavengers |
Squirrels | Bobcats | raccoons | Fungi | vultures |
hawks | mice | Bacteria | raccoons | |
termites | jackals | |||
crows |
5- Fill the blank with correct information
- Sun: energy
- Gras:
- Deer: herbivores.
- Wolf:
6- Please look at the following diagram and answer the following questions
The diagram represents
Food chain.
What represents the producer in the diagram
What represents the herbivores in the diagram
What represents the carnivores in the diagram
اقرأ أيضًا: التوزيع الزمني للخطة الفصلية علوم الصف الخامس الفصل الثاني
تحميل تلخيص ومراجعة النظام البيئي علوم منهج انجليزي صف خامس
بحل الطالب الأسئلة الموجودة في تلخيص ومراجعة النظام البيئي علوم منهج انجليزي صف خامس سيصبحون من الطلاب المتفوقين في الصف، ويتمكنوا من حل أسئلة اختبار نهاية العام، والحصول على أعلى التقديرات.